We grouped up at about mile 13 and the CrossRoads vans led us down to the beach those last few miles. It was fun to see everyone there waiting for us (more cheering here...). Also there was my friends David and Ginger Wheat from (yes!) the best bike club in America, The Trilogy Bicycle Club. We have plans to have dinner with them Sunday night in Boston, but David got the day off today and they sent me an email last night saying they would love to come to the beach today for the wheel dipping. Awesome!So there was David in his Trilogy Bike Jersey, plus Ginger and Bruce, of course.
I was caught off guard that I became somewhat tearful as we arrived at the beach. It has been a long journey. We all proceeded to peel off our shoes and socks and carry our bikes down to the water to dip the wheels in the Atlantic. Lots of pictures were taken, hugs shared and a few tears shed. I still am a little in shock that it is over and we actually did it. We had a banquet tonight and said goodbyes all around. I think I will add an Epilogue to the blog in the next few days, if anyone wants to read it. For now, enjoy the pictures and thanks to everyone for your support, encouragement and love.