Friday, June 12, 2015

Day 33: Champaign, IL to Crawforsdville, IN

The internet wasn't working at the hotel last night in Crawfordsville, so this posting is a day late. Yesterday was " decorate your helmet day", so on the day off in Champaign we all got our creative juices flowing and it was pretty fun. We laughed a lot....I rode as far as the first SAG with my decor which was a Fourth of July type theme. It doesn't show up all that well in the pictures...I had an American flag on each side, a flashing light red star headband, and a red, white and blue bow on top. I felt quite jaunty. Although, I did keep the flags on til the end of the ride.
We crossed the Indiana State line, sprinkled sand and took pictures, and I felt quite at home in my old adopted state. The corn goes from horizon to horizon and is a luscious green from all the rain. We crossed the Wabash, which, just as most of the other rivers we have passed, was over its banks and into the adjacent feels and low woodlands. It was over 80 miles today, so all were heading off to their rooms after only 7:30! Sleep is becoming the desired state. :-)

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